Doctor Who at Christmas

At Christmas we will have Doctor Who and he will be in Victorian London. Here is the prequel.

I’ve always thought that a spin off series based on Madam Vastra (she’s the Silurian (lizard person)) would be very interesting. A period drama with sic-fi overtones, almost steampunk. Certainly not something you see much of on television now.

Here is the trailer for the Christmas episode.

Not sure about the monsters…

Doctor Who: The Snowmen – Doctor Who

Happy Birthday

A quick happy birthday to Doctor Who which is 48 years old today.

It was November 23rd 1963 when the programme first came to our screens, I don’t think anyone at the time thought that nearly fifty years later that it would still be the highlight for many people on a Saturday night in front of the television.

Even when it was cancelled in 1989 I wasn’t expecting to see it ever return, more so after the failure of the joint version with Fox. Since it came back in 2005 (was that really six years ago now) I have enjoyed all the series and think the BBC have done a really good job. I do enjoy the programme and am looking forward to the Christmas special.

The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe – The Eleventh Doctor Christmas Specials

So Happy Birthday Doctor Who.

Meeting in the Wrong Order

The relationship between River Song and the Doctor was very confusing and not at all that easy to follow. However this useful infographic does kind of put things into some sort of chronological order based on River’s timeline and one on the Doctor’s timeline and then the actual timeline.

Time travel can give you headaches!

Source: BBC America, but probably from somewhere else.

Also if you like Doctor Who then there is a nice new app for the iPad on Doctor Who, but its’s a little pricey at £4.99.