Walking around Uphill

Though it was quite cold and chilly, it was dry, so I went for a walk around Uphill. I went to the beach, past the boatyard and quarry and along part of the Brean Down Way.

Having parked the car I walked past the stream that runs through part of the village and headed to the beach.

From the beach you can see Brean Down. Despite it looking close, the River Axe (and its mud) gets in the way. If you want to get to Brean Down, you need to walk along the Brean Down Way.

The beach wasn’t too busy, but then it was also quite wet and damp.

I walked back from the beach and headed pats the marina and then onto the footpath by the quarry.

There were climbers climbing the quarry walls.

I got as far as looking over the Walborough Nature Reserve, before I turned back.

Walking around Uphill

Went for a New Year Stroll. Walked from the Uphill boatyard and marina, to the beach and then up to the Pier and back.

Walked past the River Axe. The tide was out.

Then we walked by the pontoons on the river.

Uphill Wharf and Marine Centre

Over in the village of Uphill, close to Weston-super-Mare is the Uphill Boatyard (or Wharf and Marine Centre).

One evening I was there and took a few minutes to take some photographs of the boats in the yard.

I was surprised and a little saddened to see a large number of boats in such poor condition.

I kind of expected that there would be a few boats that needed some loving care, but the majority seemed to be in a state of disrepair.

However these boats do make an interesting subject for some HDR photography.

Three #366photos2020


I have done a photo a day before in 2012, 2014 and 2016. I did try in 2018 but i has a few technical issues so stopped after a few weeks.

This year I am trying again. The photos will be posted to Instagram and then I will blog the photo too. Hopefully with more detail.

This metal three was seen in Uphill where our local scout group was undertaking an easy New Year stroll.

The tide is coming in…

When I mention where I live, the talk often comes round to people getting stuck in the mud or cars getting caught by the tide.

Those who live in Weston-super-Mare will know that every summer weekend, a visitor or three gets caught in the mud trying to cross between Uphill beach and Break Down. The river Axe gets in the way, but it’s usually the mud that gets in the way first.

After the mud, the other thing that comes up in conversation is the tidal range.

Usually referred to the as the second highest tidal range in the world, it is actually the third, only the bay of Fundy (North America) and Ungava bay (Hudson straits) are bigger. The tidal range on the Severn can be as much as 15m (49ft). What this means for Weston-super-Mare is that the low tide mark in Weston Bay is about one mile from the seafront. For most of the time you don’t see the sea, which is why when I get the chance to see the beach with the tide in I take a photograph!

Grand Pier in the sea at Weston-super-Mare

Although the beach itself is sandy, low tide uncovers areas of thick mud, hence the colloquial name, Weston-super-Mud.

The other aspect of this long ideal range is that sometimes people get caught out by the fast rising tide having parked their car on the beach and their car gets swamped by the incoming tide.

This was the first time seeing the tide in at Uphill beach (just along from the main beach at Weston-super-Mare) that I saw a bus right by the high tide.

Bus in the sea

This wasn’t any old bus though, this bus served coffee!