TNG on Blu-Ray

So they’re going to release Star Trek TNG on Blu-Ray….


I have a few TNG episodes on VHS, I even have a fair few on DVD, am I going to go and get it on Blu-Ray or iTunes…

I think not.

Seems that one way for companies like Paramount to make money is to constantly re-release stuff on new formats.

I realise I am getting to an age where my existing collections of media are getting old and in some cases will no longer work. My collection of audio cassettes for example are in some cases quite painful to listen to. I have CDs that really don’t like been played. The VHS cassettes in the garage, well if I had a working VCR they probably wouldn’t play anyhow…

At least my DVDs play in the Blu-Ray player… for now…

Meeting in the Wrong Order

The relationship between River Song and the Doctor was very confusing and not at all that easy to follow. However this useful infographic does kind of put things into some sort of chronological order based on River’s timeline and one on the Doctor’s timeline and then the actual timeline.

Time travel can give you headaches!

Source: BBC America, but probably from somewhere else.

Also if you like Doctor Who then there is a nice new app for the iPad on Doctor Who, but its’s a little pricey at £4.99.

Happy Halloween

Liked the Google Doodle today.

It was a timelapse video.

How they did it…

Says a lot about Google and their culture.