(Don’t fear) The Reaper is on the top floor of The Galleries.
Just outside Poundland.
Bits and pieces, news, views, reviews and stuff
I really enjoyed this advert from Walmart.
Can you spot all the cars?
As with my other blogs I am looking at the ten most read postings over 2015.
The tenth most read post on this blog was posted in the last two weeks of 2015, and was about WHSmith. At WHSmith you can afford to give them anything but the ordinary this Christmas contained an old advert from the high street store.
I visited Legoland in 2013 and felt that it was A bit tired and this was the ninth post in this top ten. Certainly when we went this year in 2015 there were some new models in Mainland.
You have entered the Quiet Zone! was eighth most read post and I asked what’s the point of the Quiet Zone Carriage?
Back to Legoland for number seven, Legoland Miniland.
The sixth most read post was on Ten Incredible Sand Sculptures that have been on the beach at Weston-super-Mare over the last ten years.
The post at number 5 was from the Cinematic Advent Calendar which I posted back before Christmas in 2012. The post in question was #24 – Back to the Future and as 2015 was the year in which Marty McFly went to in the film series, it’s quite apt that it in this year’s top ten.
More Lego at number 4 with The Bat Cave in Lego.
The third most popular post was “the cafe on tv at weston super mare is it real” and the answer is, it isn’t!
Over 2015 there were seventy Shaun the Sheep sculptures places all across Bristol and the top two posts on the blog were about these Sheep. At number two was Ten out of Seventy and the most read post was about all seventy sheep, Shaun in the City.
Happy New Year for 2016.
WHSmith Christmas advert from 1983, click image for a larger version.
Looking at the prices, you realise how much cheaper some things are today. Of course inflation means that these prices in today’s money would be much higher. The ZX Spectrum at £99.95 was expensive, today you can buy a tablet, which is a lot more powerful for as little as £50! Of you can recreate the ZX Spectrum experience for £90.
The one that surprised me was the Indiana Jones VHS for £19.95, today you can get all four films in HD on Blu-Ray for roughly the same money!
Back in the 1980s I do remember going to WHSmith to buy Christmas presents. My local branch was in the Lion Square development in Cambridge. The top floor was records and I remember buying quite a few cassette tapes up there as well as the odd piece of vinyl.
The gaming section always looked exciting, the covers of the games always seemed to be so much better than the actual graphics of the games themselves, but that’s 1980s gaming for you.
There was something warm and comforting about the brown and orange that WHSmith had back then. Today of course they seem to have lost their way a little and I am surprised that they are still around.
So what memories of WHSmith in the 1980s do you have?
Well this is one way to get rid of troublesome door to door salepeople and canvassers….
Wonder what the Jehova’s Witnesses would think of it though…
This made me smile.
This is the LEGO Jurassic World Game Teaser Trailer, I think my kids will enjoy the game when it is released.
Okay, so it’s an advert for a film, but still….
“The slogan ‘Our Heroes are Back’ is used to announce that, after an absence of one decade, all major pieces in the Rijksmuseum’s collection are back where they belong. This is what happens when they suddenly emerge in an unsuspecting shopping mall somewhere in The Netherlands.”
Via @bobbyllew and @digitalmaverick
Okay, it's an advert for a bank, but the end scene is pretty cool. The Nightwatchmen flashmob http://t.co/Q4oCxcBajA
— Everything Electric SHOW & EXPO (@Everyth1ngElec) June 4, 2013
Air New Zealand partnered with WETA Workshop on a brand new Hobbit inspired Safety Video.
Via AJCann