Then and Now Take Two Again – Bristol Airport

This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart. The first of the posts in this series was of a council building in Manchester. I always thought I should give then and now photographs a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart. Now this has come to my attention I have started to intentionally take photographs of the same place.

Over the years I have taken this view at Bristol Airport quite a few times, both unintentionally and now intentionally.

I was flying to Glasgow in November 2023, so I took my usual photograph.

I was flying to Amsterdam in October 2023 so I took a photograph from the window next to the balcony at the departures lounge. The balcony itself was closed, it was rather foggy.

Bristol Airport

When travelling from Bristol Airport in August 2023 I took this photograph from the balcony at the departures lounge.

View of an airport

When I was at Bristol Airport on the 14th November 2022, I intentionally took a photograph from the same vantage point.

I had taken a similar picture in February 2017.

I took this view of Bristol Airport from the departures lounge on an early morning in August 2016.

Then and Now Take Two – Bristol Airport

This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart. The first of the posts in this series was of a council building in Manchester. I always thought I should give then and now photographs a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart. Now this has come to my attention I have started to intentionally take photographs of the same place.

Over the years I have taken this view at Bristol Airport quite a few times, both unintentionally and now intentionally.

I was flying to Amsterdam in October 2023 so I took a photograph from the window next to the balcony at the departures lounge. The balcony itself was closed.

Bristol Airport

When travelling from Bristol Airport in August 2023 I took this photograph from the balcony at the departures lounge.

View of an airport

When I was at Bristol Airport on the 14th November 2022, I intentionally took a photograph from the same vantage point.

I had taken a similar picture in February 2017.

I took this view of Bristol Airport from the departures lounge on an early morning in August 2016.

Then and Now Take Two – Bristol Airport

This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart. The first of the posts in this series was of a council building in Manchester. I always thought I should give then and now photographs a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart. Now this has come to my attention I have started to intentionally take photographs of the same place.

So when travelling from Bristol Airport in August 2023 I took this photograph from the balcony at the departures lounge.

View of an airport

When I was at Bristol Airport on the 14th November 2022, I intentionally took a photograph from the same vantage point.

I had taken a similar picture in February 2017.

I took this view of Bristol Airport from the departures lounge on an early morning in August 2016.


Then and Now Take Two – Bristol Airport

This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart. The first of the posts in this series was of a council building in Manchester. I always thought I should give then and now photographs a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart. Now this has come to my attention I have started to intentionally take photographs of the same place.

I took this view of Bristol Airport from the departures lounge on an early morning in August 2016.

I took a similar picture in February 2017.

I was back at Bristol Airport on the 14th November 2022, so I took a photograph from the same vantage point.

Then and Now – Bristol Airport

This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart.

I quite like those Then and Now comparison photographs that you see in books or on the Twitter or Facebook.

I always think I should give them a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart.  The first instance of this that I noticed was in May 2019 when I went to  Manchester.

It only really came to my attention that I was doing this a lot, when checking the Places function on the Apple Photos Mac App that I could see I had taken the same photograph of the same thing just years apart!

I took this view of Bristol Airport from the departures lounge on an early morning in August 2016.

I took a similar picture in February 2017.

Post updated to reflect a better photograph of the same vantage point in 2016.

Stranded at the drive-in…

With the Covid-19 lockdown, the cinema was closed down. So at the end of May I was intrigued to see on the BBC News an article about drive-in cinema.

Obviously when I checked, the Bristol tickets were sold out probably down to the news article, I was a little disappointed. Even so I put my e-mail address down.

So was pleased when a day or so later the company behind the venture had released more tickets. I quickly went in and bought a “ticket” for Back to the Future. The ticket covered a car not the number of people in the car. The only downside was that we would need to wait until September.

In July we saw some cinemas reopen, so we did go and see The Empire Strikes Back as well as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was nice to see these (old) films in the cinema.

Come September, and the date of the showing, we headed off to the drive-in cinema which was taking place at Bristol Airport. We were going to see Back to the Future. 

As we drove through Banwell there were a couple of idiot BMW drivers who were driving rather badly. They were braking hard and accelerating sharply. In addition to driving too fast and overtaking dangerously. This wasn’t needed and made the drive to the airport slightly more stressful than it needed to be.

Having arrived at the Silver Parking at Bristol Airport, we drove to where they were showing the film. The staff were friendly and welcoming.

We were quite near the back, so the screen was smaller that I would have liked. It was certainly nothing like the huge screens I had seen in American films. 

We had 6:30 tickets, but if you had the 6:00 tickets you would have been closer to the front and nearer the screen. In theory there were 7:00 tickets, but there were no cars behind us! I think some people had arrived early. If we were to do this again I would either try and buy the 6:00 tickets or arrive early.

There was a bit of time before the film started so we had our picnic. There was an option to buy food and drink and have it delivered to your car, but most of it wasn’t gluten free and it was also quite expensive – not too surprising it was a cinema!

For the picnic, I avoided sandwiches, we had gluten free sausages rolls (homemade), sausages, as well as fruit. There was carrot sticks and hummus too. I had some quiche and a scotch egg.

The film started. We really enjoyed the film. We had to use our radio to tune into the soundtrack, but every so often the car would turn the radio off, so we had to turn it back on again.

After the film was finished, we waited our turn and then drove out. What was nice the crew behind the whole thing were waving to everyone as they left. It was really dark as well. We then drove home.

Would we go again? Probably.

Airport photographs

I started to realise that this week that when I fly I usually post a photograph to instagram of the plane I flew on. But not any old photo, usually I have taken it from a process using the Snapseed app.

This was the photo I took this week in Edinburgh.

Looking from my archives I found these other photographs on my Instagram feed. Continue reading “Airport photographs”

Tally Ho!

I don’t fly very much, we usually holiday in the UK and I think it was 2004 the last time we flew anywhere on holiday. The job however does take me up into the air now and again. In the last two years I have flown to New Zealand, Ireland, Inverness, Edinburgh and Leeds!

I have had a few meetings in Leeds or Yorkshire over the last few years and generally depending on how long I am up there and what I am doing I will go by train or drive. For example at this year’s ALT Conference, where I needed to carry a TV studio I took the car, a few months earlier I took the train. However now and again when the diary is quite full and I need to only be in Yorkshire for the day I fly from Bristol Airport. It’s a very quick flight, about 50 minutes and very convenient as there are some excellent bus services from Leeds/Bradford Airport to Leeds and other places in Yorkshire. It means I can be in Leeds for 10am or even earlier and be home before the middle of the night and also means I needn’t stay over.

The route use to be run by Air SouthWest however they recently went out of business and it is now served by Eastern Airways (even if they use the same planes).

Today I was quite surprised to find that there were only two of us on the flight up to Leeds…

I generally don’t feel that bad about my carbon footprint when flying as I don’t fly that often and where possible I will do stuff online or via the phone. Today I feel really bad, as the carbon cost of this flight per person must be so much more than it usually is. I can’t think to imagine how much this must be costing the airline and the loss they are making on this flight. I guess they will still need to fly up to Leeds, as they may be picking up passengers there for their onward flight to Aberdeen and I also guess they need the plane in Aberdeen as the flight from there will be needed.

It should be said that I am getting a very good inflight service and I had a choice of seats, though I did find it funny that even though there were only two of us on the flight, we couldn’t choose where to sit, we had to sit in our allocated seats because of the weight distribution in the aircraft. Just a bit nervous about going to the loo just in case I upset the trim of the plane. The nerves are probably compounded because it’s a plane with propellers and I really don’t feel comfortable flying in a plane with propellers . I don’t know why, it just seems much closer to flying than I feel happy with, I keep thinking I should be wearing goggles and shouting out tally ho!

Wonder how busy the flight home will be?