So let’s be frank about this, I really don’t know that much about classic cars, however I have recently thought it would be nice to own an old classic motor.
These photographs were taken at a recent classic car event in Weston-super-Mare, I can guess what some of them are, but please add a comment if you are more confident than me in what they are.
1. 1931 Austin Seven Swallow

2. An American car of some kind… 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air – 938 XUP

3. Who knows, but nice wheels! Chevrolet – SV 6473

4. 1950s car, Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire – 172 CEV

5. A blue car…

6. Another classic, 1920s or 1930s?

7. A Rolls Royce from the 1970s…

8. Hmmm, 1949 Riley 1.5 Litre – KXN 114

9. Okay, so I know the sun glare doesn’t help… Riley – RDV 566

10. This one I am pretty confident is a Morris Minor 1000 Traveller.

11. Bodie and Doyle would like this Ford Capri

12. Another American car, calling Dick Tracey, calling Dick Tracey…

13. A wedding car…

14. Willys Jeep

15. Custom BMW Mini.

So can you help me out, please add a comment if you know what some of these cars are.