Though it was quite cold and chilly, it was dry, so I went for a walk around Uphill. I went to the beach, past the boatyard and quarry and along part of the Brean Down Way.
Having parked the car I walked past the stream that runs through part of the village and headed to the beach.
From the beach you can see Brean Down. Despite it looking close, the River Axe (and its mud) gets in the way. If you want to get to Brean Down, you need to walk along the Brean Down Way.
The beach wasn’t too busy, but then it was also quite wet and damp.
I walked back from the beach and headed pats the marina and then onto the footpath by the quarry.
There were climbers climbing the quarry walls.
I got as far as looking over the Walborough Nature Reserve, before I turned back.