And that’s it!
The Space Shuttle Atlantis has touched down for the final time, ending 30 years of Shuttle flights.

Atlantis touched down in Florida at 10.57am GMT+1 just before sunrise after a supply mission to the International Space Station. Like the other Shuttles, Atlantis will be retired after undertaking this thirteen day mission.

I remember watching the first shuttle flight and been in awe. For me that was going to be the starting point for future space exploration. Despite everything that is been said by NASA and the US Government, I see the end of the Shuttle as a real slow down in manned space flight and it will take decades to catch up. The “next shuttle” should be ready now, but it won’t be for years if not decades.
The shuttle was an incredible machine, and shuttle launches always impressed me. It will be missed.

I was working in LA when there was an almighty bang, asking one of my colleges what the hell that was, he said that it was the shuttle coming into Edwards. First time I really connected that there I was listening to a space ship coming back to land on earth. Strange how seeing and feeling these things makes you think differently.