This is a regular series of blogs about photographs of the same place taken years apart. I quite like those Then and Now comparison photographs that you see in books or on the Twitter or Facebook.
I always think I should give them a go. However what I have started to notice is that I have been doing Then and Now photographs unintentionally over the years and have been taking photographs of the same thing or place from the same view or perspective years apart. The first instance of this that I noticed was in May 2019 when I went to Manchester. It only really came to my attention that I was doing this a lot, when checking the Places function on the Apple Photos Mac App that I could see I had taken the same photograph of the same thing just years apart!
On a recent visit to Cambridge I took an intentional photograph of Trinity Lane as part of the Then and Now Take Two series. I also took a lot of other photographs including this one of Kings College Chapel.
I was looking at posts on this blog with the cambridge tag when I noticed that back in 2020 (pre-pandemic) I had taken a virtually identical photograph of Kings College Chapel.
The 2022 photograph was taken in the middle of the day in July, whilst the 2020 photograph was a late afternoon shot in January.
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