…and so to the beginning of the Shaun the Sheep trail. This required a visit up to the Mall at Cribbs Causeway to see the three Shauns that are in situ around the North Bristol out of town shopping centre. You also get the chance to visit the Shaun the Sheep shop at the Mall too.
1. Fab-ewe-lous
Set out in the front, this ice cream flavoured Shaun the Sheep is perfect for summer, complete with a ’99 My Whippy and a FAB iced lolly.
2. Shrek Shaun
On first sight I didn’t think this was a Shaun, what with the Shrek-esque ears. One of the few Shauns that has its own backdrop and scenery. You find this one in the Shaun the Sheep shop, along with lots of other smaller Shauns painted by local school children.
3. Bee-dazzled!
This Shaun has extra bling and bees.
These have been added to my page of Shauns and as they are numbered one to three at least that page looks like it has stuff on it, and it isn’t just a list of numbers.
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