So here are my top ten tweets of 2016, ranked by the number of times it was seen on Twitter.
In 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th position are some random tweets of photographs taken in various branches of WHSmith.
Nothing I need more to break up a journey than a large furry hedgehog from WHSmith at the services. cc @WHS_Carpet
— James Clay (@jamesclay) August 1, 2016
Nice and tidy at WHSmith cc @WHS_Carpet
— James Clay (@jamesclay) June 27, 2016
Packed shelves at WHSmith for a Saturday in WSM. cc @WHS_Carpet
— James Clay (@jamesclay) September 11, 2016
So much choice at WHSmith at Strensham services. Not a magazine in sight! cc @WHS_Carpet
— James Clay (@jamesclay) June 13, 2016
These tweets were re-tweeted by the amusing @WHS_Carpet Twitter account. If like me you grew up in the 1970s and 1980s, WHSMith was a real high street institution, which though surviving today still seems to have lost its way somewhat.
My 6th most popular tweet was an image comic strip of a Dara O’Briain routine on video games.
Video games do one thing that no other art form does…. #lilac16
— James Clay (@jamesclay) March 21, 2016
I was surprised by how popular the 5th tweet was, which was about some great images from JD Hancock on the Flickr.
I really like the JD Hancock images that @cbthomson has used. #JiscDigLead
— James Clay (@jamesclay) October 5, 2016
A reply to Google was number four.
Resistance is futile.
— James Clay (@jamesclay) December 14, 2016
I was disappointed that NERC did not name their boat BoatyMcBoatface, but I did like how they embraced the whole thing, as I said in my third most popular tweet.
I like how @NERCscience are embracing #BoatyMcBoatface still a great name and hope it wins.
— James Clay (@jamesclay) March 20, 2016
A work tweet was number two…
Find out more on #digitalcapability site on the Jisc website #digifest16
— James Clay (@jamesclay) March 2, 2016
And my most popular tweet of 2016 was a silly comment for #WednesdayWisdom
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana. #WednesdayWisdom
— James Clay (@jamesclay) May 18, 2016
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