Here are ten of my favourite sculptures from this year’s Sand Sculptures at Weston-super-Mare. This year’s theme was “when I grow up…” and there was a range of sculptures that were inspired by this theme. Click the image for larger versions.
So who wanted to be a firefighter when they grew up? So there are the fires, the hoses and the water.

If I found these surgeons looking over me, just about to go under a general anaesthetic, I would be feeling rather scared. These are rather freaky.

Now who wants to go to the moon? Astronauts are often a childhood dream. This sculpture was really tall and I was impressed with the height of the thing, and the nice details, like the chimpanzee looking out of the window of the rocket.

A rather depressed farmer looks after his crops and a sullen cow. Maybe its’ the sand, but he does look sad. The sculpture was rather flat, and it was quite effective.

No this wasn’t about someone growing up to be a Pharaoh or even an Egyptian god, no this was about growing up to be an archaeologist, you can see the little figures in the sand.

I think this was a vet, or someone wanting to be a mad scientist growing over sized dogs.

Lots of young people want to be professional footballers.

Tut, tut, construction worker stereotype!

This was just plain freaky! No idea what it was supposed to represent.

Yes, we can all grow up to be superman! To infinity and beyond… oh wait!

I am always impressed with the quality and the ideas of the sculptures.