On the seafront

I had a short walk along the seafront at Weston-super-Mare. It was a lovely sunny day.

Oh and the sea was in as well. Beautiful blue skies.

Images edited with Snapseed.

Uphill Wharf and Marine Centre

Over in the village of Uphill, close to Weston-super-Mare is the Uphill Boatyard (or Wharf and Marine Centre).

One evening I was there and took a few minutes to take some photographs of the boats in the yard.

I was surprised and a little saddened to see a large number of boats in such poor condition.

I kind of expected that there would be a few boats that needed some loving care, but the majority seemed to be in a state of disrepair.

However these boats do make an interesting subject for some HDR photography.

Marine Lake

Went for a walk this morning and we walked past Marine Lake and Knightstone Island.

It has been drained and hopefully will be cleared of mud and silt making it a better swimming experience. The work requires permission from a government agency, and if approved will be finished by the summer of 2022.